How Do We Talk About Issues That Matter?
Conversation about emotional and controversial topics can be difficult for multiple reasons. They have the possibility for people to get offended or hurt and the fear of that alone can prevent the conversations from beginning in the first place. Not all issues that matter are difficult to talk about or hold more emotional weight, but sometimes those that matter the most are those that are the hardest to talk about. Is it because most people feel like they are walking on egg shells and afraid to step on peoples toes? Or is it because people aren't confident in their opinion enough for them to feel like they can back up their ideas if confronted? Or maybe they don't feel like they are "socially allowed" to speak on the subject because they are not on an appropriate side of the issue. Either way, I believe the solution on how to talk about these issues are to just START talking about them in general. Just like anything, things need to be practiced and the more you practi...